And because I really do care. Click Here for links to my plans.
I do not currently live in Ward 5 (Ward 7) but am committed to move back in should I win, as well my Mom does, and I do have a long standing connection to the ward including organizing and hosting over 2o public events there over the past 10 years as well a long ongoing history of supporting Main St businesses in the ward which I still do business there regularly and, indeed, Newmarket.
I believe every town wants a council made up of concerned residents, some of whom should hold long running, deep, roots in the community and possess a natural affection for a town and its history and, to that end, I believe I am exactly what the town of Newmarket needs in a Councillor. Or rather, wants. We don't need anything in life, we want things.
TP salvages a Bike at annual Newmarket community clean up and BBQ he's organized for communities for over 10 years |
Tom Pearson is an Experienced Political Player
None of those running against me have any political experience other than running before and being official party members, whereas I have had dealings with Ministers, MPs, M.P.P.,s Mayors and Councillors and politicians for all levels and stripes over the past 15 years and pride myself on being willing to work with any party with no one party allegiance.
Dear Tom Pearson:
Thank you for confirming your attendance to the 2011 Ontario Budget Lockup, in the Frontanac room located on the second floor of the Macdonald Block at 900 Bay Street, Toronto, on March 29, 2011 starting at 12 noon
Ministry staff will be available throughout the afternoon to answer any questions you may have during your review of the 2011 Ontario Budget.
Please note that you will not be free to leave the Lockup until the Minister of Finance has begun his Ontario Budget Speech in the Ontario Legislature (at approximately 4:00 p.m.). Only coffee and tea will be provided so you are welcome to bring your own snacks.
Upon entering the Lockup room, you will be required to register and complete the Undertaking of Confidentiality . To facilitate this process, we ask that you bring two business cards and review the following provisions included in the Undertaking of Confidentiality:
- Agreement not to transmit the contents of the Budget;
- Confirmation that wireless capability of computers has been disabled
- Prohibition from using transmitting devices (i.e. cell phones, pagers, etc.);
- Sanction for using a transmitting device during the Lockup;
- Prohibition from removing Budget documents and notes from the Lockup;
- Agreement not to leave the Lockup; and
- Indemnification of the Crown in Right of Ontario;
Thank You.
I will never claim to know everything about a given issue although i am very politically experienced, and will often rely on consulting with a number of 'experts' - usually found right within the ward itself or community at large - in order to tackle OUR issues better. The best programs and solutions always stem from the bottom up - not top down - something I believe is also missing from today's Newmarket as it strives to be more a corporation of late than a town. I will never promise anything, as I've been taught in the business world that you cannot promise anyone tomorrow will even arrive. But I will promise you that I will always look out for the town's interests first.
Newmarket iconic farm soon to go, lost to development process |
Am I the Only one who feels we're being rushed to grow?
I'm Pro growth, but at a much reduced rate of speed and don't feel we "need" to develop every green inch of Newmarket in order to be "sustainable" - a term often bandied around by our current mayor that mimics our provincial / and now sometimes federal government's terminology - which they in turn get from the U.N.'s 2030 growth plan - blindly supported by our mayor without even knowing its "sustainable" terminology origins. I feel that's important to know, as that plan's timetable is ahead of ours in real time. It asks that we roll out more transit options now. The Yonge and Davis corridor makes most sense for " grow up' options regardless, while Main St. lacks transit and should preserve its historic look which is an attraction for many in itself.
We don't "need" anything in life, we want things. Tom Pearson
...Just like the "sustainable" transit we were TOLD we "needed". TODAY, without any prodding from Newmarket residents. Perhaps some day. Each new bus stop cost $ 1 million dollars reportedly and Davis Dr work now reaching $300,000,000 dollars and counting!. ...But we don't "need" homes for the homeless in our Ward 5 forests? That's "sustainable"? At any rate, unless we can use the new bus shelters for human shelters, we are now way, way, ahead of the transit services curve which will now result in years of cost overruns, as empty or near empty buses and parallel bus lines will continue to have to be maintained and operated at tremendous cost to taxpayers. The conditional infrastructure funding, doesn't cover that. In their defense they are but two votes.
This is what can happen when centralized decisions are made for any area or region - a disconnect with local needs. Especially if its only reps vote for it. And with York Region already having among the highest local transit fare rates in the country they can't expect to maintain it all by raising fares, as Councilor John Taylor had said when he supported fares being raised at the last transit strike, at which time no mention of this urgent "need" for new bus shelters and lines was mentioned and to which I'd made a deposition to Regional Council in regard to it, being the second longest transit stike in Canadian history. Guess what? It won't be nearly enough now.
"Where else are we going to get the money to pay for it?" John Taylor
I strongly believe if Newmarket Council makes an important decision such as deciding whether our York Region Chair should be voted in or appointed - something at the very cornerstone of democracy - we'd expect our representatives, our Mayor and Regional Councilor, to tow the line of council and by extension its residents. With former, York County's Newmarket, joining York Region, under council's previous watch's, we've already lost a fair bit of control over what happens in our town through things like conditional governmental transfer funding, now to a Regional Government / Council that is comprised mostly of Councillors from other towns and cities, save our two. So what little say we do have we want to retain, and, to that end, we also want more grass roots membership within our York Region Services and Newmarket boards in order to be best effective.
I further believe the Council and Mayor have been somewhat bamboozled when it comes to development and additionally, have not taken the interests or wants of the town's first when it comes to vocal or motion / vote support. That is wrong in my eyes. Even if their opinions matter not one bit on an issue, like the Clock Tower development that will be decided by an adjudicator in a court of law and not by any council vote, they should still be supporting proper process no matter who that seems to 'favour". If an official plan has a certain zoning designation it's for a reason, having taken in a number of variables before being so designated and approved - like avoiding grid-lock, and so councils have no business amending such plans that have gone through a planning process, including public input, before they are stamped for approval by the Crown. But developers, most often Real Estate Lawyers, knowing the loop-holes, play them like cads to get their way.
It is those loop-holes in the Planning Act that need legislated.
We can stop vacant unit syndrome
My action plan would include striking up a committee to study these loop-holes, figure out ways to close them through legislation and then lobby parliament for legislative changes like B.C. has actually just done by allowing a new tax penalty for Vancouver to control imposed vacant units.
Otherwise council votes and public opinion everywhere will continue to be moot, all its drama just for our infotainment benefit. And meantime you cannot fault developers for following our laws as they are written. I am about process and I will support fully whatever the legal process decides, giving all parties my full support to make it work and then move forward because anything else is a waste of energy. I do fault politicians for not making efforts to change these conditions though, previously, so we don't continue to have these same expensive issues.
I've always liked the town / city councils because no political parties are involved and have always felt that is the most pure representation you can get as councilors are not bound by a parent policy governing their response or action. Independence from parties is important to me, otherwise you become beholden to government positions or funds that you are told what you have to do with - rather than deciding yourself. Too often I also see and hear local councilors also running for MPP, or MP, or spouting off a provincial or federal position, connecting them proudly in public while doing so. Again, wrong. If you want to run for federal or provincial politics go do that!
Leave Your Political Party Hat at the Door
I've always prided myself on being willing to work with any party, insisting party colours be left at the door when chairing anything - even when they supported my cause - because it's the only way to develop new and diverse, independent ideas specific to your group's (or town's) specific wants. We want our own from-the- ground-up ideas in order to be effective - not ideas infused on us by an anointed group or some U.S. charity think tank thought up idea, rolled out by politicians as a next great thing through slick PR and photo-ops on an unknowing public.That stuff won't wash with me - unless tweeting about an increase in jobs creation or something tangible.
As lead organizer of York Region's social audit, York Region's largest ever collaboration and Co-Author of its subsequent report of which it's recommendations were endorsed in principle by York Region Council and forwarded to Queen's Park, where it influenced policies, I feel I have unique insight, connections, and knowledge of political process that could prove quite valuable to a council and its community. I also organized and chaired the York Region Square-table on Poverty which included politicians of all stripes from every level of government, managing even to get Belinda Stronach to participate with then M.P. Frank Klees no less and R.C. John Taylor.
Road Hockey on Main Street!
Let's Make Newmarket Tops in Canada Again!
I organized and hosted a free youth road hockey tourney / program spanning over 12 years, with no government funds other than the occasional small community grant - soliciting private sponsors to keep it going - and using TPE Productions for promotions and publicity increasingly when the mayor / council / and local charities seemingly could or would not.
The FNYRoad-Hockey Challenge was held on Main St in its peak year, getting Newmarket written up by Joe Warmington in The Toronto Sun as a beacon example for the country.
Previously, I'd managed solicit a publicity piece from Columnist, Mark Bonokoski as well, praising the program, and then subsequently a letter from the then Premier McGuinty, practically begging us to take funding to expand it - which another Y.R. group that had "collaborated" with us eventually took full advantage of instead. The next few years, the town was chosen our highest ever ratings for Top Towns in Canada. Coincidence? Maybe, but I'll sure bet it was influential at a time when Toronto was being criticized for banning it - how do you think I attracted them to our story? Perceptions are everything. And I could continue to market Newmarket at a much higher level if given a chance. Only the recent Pokemon craze has rivaled bringing outside attention to Main since.
Pro-active Tom Pearson is Business Broker trained and has an Operator looking to open in the empty Tequila 185 location |
But that does and did not deter me. It is only the kids who it hurts - some still coming from where it had originally started, still with nothing to do, who I've had to try and avoid answering this year when they pass me by asking when "their tourney" will be. Kids, many of whom play no other organized sports for the most part and who've had their own local park removed two years back without explanation and without any replacement activity on top of losing the road hockey program.
Let's put the back on the streets! |
Let's Make Newmarket A Top 10 Town Again!
Newmarket was also honoured as a top Google town with select people and businesses invited by the mayor's offices to share the glory - most then not even registered on Google + as businesses. Yet if you "Google search" just "Newmarket" or "Newmarket Entertainment" or real estate guide Newmarket or "Dining", or any number of searches attached to Newmarket, my marketing media and blog articles and videos appear. In fact Tom's Top 10 lists are a Newmarket top search online. It is my face or logo or clients' which pops up attached to anything Newmarket - having been registered with Google + and other optimized online entities long before most even knew what they were, and continue to dominate those local rankings today. Yet no invite. That always irked me, the lack of town support or acknowledgement unless a corporation or in the loop.
It was bittersweet when Tim Horton's / HNIC rolled their ball hockey out across the country, our idea essentially, being the 1st, and then using Newmarket's Ray Twinney parking lot to launch this year, busing kids in to play while photo-oping our local politicians who were all over it. So where was all that fawning support for our own grass roots event in 2015 or 2014 outside one Councillor? Where was Connor McDavid being invited to endorse our own home-grown event? Ironic also it was held within walking distance of where these kids live, where it first started here, yet they were not in that loop to play because no-one connects the dots.
That's what I do. Connect dots so kids aren't left behind.
The F.N.Y.R-H Challenge also gives out an award called the Mike Thornhiill Friendship Award - $10,000 over 11 years - to kids proving leadership in the community outside road hockey, awarded in memory of a Newmarket youth stabbed to death outside a Tim Hortons, and to top it off while the event was moved from Riverwalk Commons to the town offices in 2015, the Tim Hortons name now adorns its now former location. I see that as a disconnect.
Examples of our "program's" success?
Just two weeks ago as I visited a restaurant on Main St Newmarket, the Counter-Person mentioned they recognised me, and asked if I still held the road hockey event, continuing on that her son had won our Mike Thornhill Award ($1500 towards his education) and furthermore that he was now in school to be a Sports Manager. Wow.
TP's plan calls for attracting more movie productions to Main St by marketing to industry Locations Managers |
One of my 1st acts as Councilor will be bring a youth road hockey challenge back to Main St....
With all due respect to former Councillor Sponga and no offense meant, unlike the former Councillor, I have a good working relationship with the B.I.A.'s Chair, Glenn Wilson, who's always appreciated my extra promo coverage for Main St., and I know he supported our road hockey event being on Main St as well...Maybe even a charity challenge for the food bank for this Xmas...and Put Newmarket Back on Top Again!
Only TP has a plan to wrest control of our Main St back again |
One turning point for me to decide to run was when listening to a veteran councilor use the reason that "It's only a matter of time before Alquaeda come here ( Newmarket presumably) " as his reason for voting for a tax raise. Somehow he'd tied it to a new fire station. Just bizarre stuff. He was followed by a first time Councillor opening with the fact she concurred with him and adding on to it.
I'm also about transparency, and, to that end, the mayor and council may dislike me, but C'est la vie. The Ombudsman was pretty clear when it came to in-camera meetings and that ilk which I covered. It's time this council had some true accountability and transparency to what it is being done and why, to end the photo op tweet campaigns masquerading as "work" and to get down to some real elbow-grease inspired initiatives to Make Newmarket Tops Again! Really. Not just in a magazine.
TP has a plan to reduce graffiti and create Wall Art Zones |
The Not So Hidden Homeless
I've sat back and watched as media and messages to the public have been carefully worded, resulting in poor decisions that seem feasible at the time, such as a 10 years long, sole focus and total commitment of all available housing funds ($10 million and counting) to building another women's shelter when it was obvious to everyone it was / is men living mostly on our streets. That sole focus, I believe, has since lead directly to the premature deaths of a number of individuals unable to find shelter or afford housing, and that is a shame that hangs on this Regional Council.
My conscience no longer allows me to sit quietly while our councils squander the next round of funding on pet projects. Having shared those funds would have helped "clean up" Main St too as some residents have asked for, and housed some forest dwellers as well. The current round of recently announced funding should go to housing them, and perhaps in some other YR location(s) other than Newmarket, to share the wealth so to speak.
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Fairy Lake Park, Oct 17, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty |
Sharing our most recent anti-homelessness $'s would have made more sense than using it all for just a single women's shelter. Even when more funds were announced they then used all that as well for transitional units (temporary homes), again for just single women - not all from York Region either as our set-up currently dictates we allow for others in 'need". The mayor ran two campaigns on its coat tail ("There are no women's shelters in York Region" - when YR actually had six, plus a family shelter), essentially a sentence to the streets to those men some of whom I've documented before.
The Region Council essentially ignored its own social audit report recommendations in doing so. I spent six months helping to prepare that report. It's why I started my own on-line information station - YOURK NEWS AND EVENTS - to counter the partial truths, misconceptions, and exaggerations we were being fed, and start revealing the full transparent facts - good, bad or ugly.
The more I've thought about running for Ward 5, the more I believe it to be my destiny, but sealing the deal was reading that they planned to hold the by-election on Oct 17 which is a date I know well, having been lead organizer of the first ever event held at Riverwalk Commons on that date outside the official grand opening as I've organized one 13 of the past 14 years. That was a big sign.
Great York Region Restaurant Race - Multicultural Merge?
My first direct community involvement came around 1994 while working for Coverstory Newspaper as Entertainment Editor and writing, " Local Flavour" and " At The Clubs", promoting the local scene, when I was asked to sit on a committee devoted to forming the Newmarket Youth Centre which we successfully lobbied for and launched on Main St., before it got its present day home. I then started Youth Beat in our paper, a news column for local youths to use for their voices, and later lobbied Rogers 10 Newmarket for the Tune In to Teens cable show, again successfully while simultaneously producing and co-Hosting our own TV show for 4 seasons as well that showcased the town entertainment and dining, its businesses, charities and events - just like I do today online with Tom's Top 10 lists and Dining Guides, as well as I Really Am Tom Show.
The time also saw me on the Great York Region Restaurant Race committee from which we organized an annual fun, interactive, restaurant service staff event, raising $100,000 over its lifespan for Easter Seals as part of the Persechini Run Walkathon. I'd like to see that resurrected again at Riverwalk Commons or right on Main now and perhaps as part of the Multi-cultural Festival which would give all ethnic restaurants and main St's restaurants a chance to participate, sell goods and prom there establishments all for a good cause and to enhance the Multi-cultural festival which i feel could use a boost.that we have such hospitality support there.
More recently, I helped start, then chaired voluntarily four years, Operation Sparrow, giving at-risk youth in Aurora and Newmarket free access to mainstream sports, activities and arts opportunities, and along those line,s have continued to sit on a community development advisory committee for York Region Housing Corporation for the past 6 years. York Region Housing now implements my model of community bbq's and clean ups throughout its mixed income units throughout York Region saving thousands of $'s in annual clean up costs and recently added a photography for engaging youth program that was suggested again by myself, originally through the advisory committee. Where they do sometimes miss the mark is on the actual delivery of the service which is a work in progress, but nevertheless, there is hope there. I am also currently part of the York Region Oral Health Coalition, as well have been a board member with Jazzled Youth that enables youth towards education and arts.
Tom Pearson sees the Yonge Davis corridor best suited for any "grow up" development over Main St. |
Loss of Green Spaces, Farms and Jobs
Image taken in Newmarket 2016 |
As development merges with neighboring municipalities, is Newmarket now paying the full cost of some shared services? |
TP has plans to add 300 cars to Main St's car show, while adding 100's of parking spots at no cost to taxpayers |
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TP wants to duplicate the famous walk at our own BeatleMAINia for photo ops |
I see Main Street as a reflection of the town's heart and soul, and its unique make-up up of businesses and mixed-income residents already has it as a working model of success that needs only tweaking to optimize its potential. I will support any decision our process brings us to in regards to the Clock Tower development and work happily with the landlords and tenants or owners to make it work, whatever the outcome. Heck, I may even move in there. Despite what some may say, my track record shows an ability to bridge gaps, not create them, and this is no different.
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Where were other Candidates when this business was being turfed? I was there and was already forming a plan for Main |
My experience in Live Events / Promotion could be very valuable to a Councillor, as another, often missing link, is that connect turning visitors to Riverwalk Commons into customers on Main St. and to that end I have some creative solutions, such as a Main St booth at events, with DAY OF coupons and info for Main St businesses there ...and other promotional ideas like Pokemon search sales. Finishing the main stage to completion (it has no back) and adding a big screen for town events is another thought for down the road and I've always said I'd like to see more and name act entertainment here as well at Riverwalk but its rules of use between events make it tough for anyone outside a certain circle to - another tweak that is needed so more group's can utilize this town asset.
TP wants more Main St connection to Jazz+ Festival |
TP would be proactive to find good business fits for Main and work hard to support their survival Tom Pearson tells it like it is. Residents deserve the truth. |
You should vote for Tom Pearson because I have the experience, am a good fit and I believe I've earned the opportunity to represent this town. And I care. And I cannot be bought or persuaded to go along with anything not in the best interests of the town. And I tell it like it is. I'm the breathe of fresh air our townsfolk are gasping for. I also understand how planning actually works, am a C.M.H.A. trained Group Facilitator, experienced chair, board member and business person - including a former G.M. of restaurants which would be good for our downtown, have plans to attract more people and business(es) to Main St. and Riverwalk Commons, for reducing parking woes, to reduce homelessness and "clean up" Main St., to create more revenue for the town using private sources, for engaging residents and youth more, and to bring integrity back into the process and Council through increased transparency and accountability.
I'll put my record of community building and commitment to the community up against anyone in Council any day of the week without having even been in Council.
Off Main St Newmarket - TP's style includes engaging youth more |
No inquiry or idea is silly. Although my experience tells me the general public seems often confused about which level of government or what department handles a certain type of issue, both my political and my community events experience allow me to more quickly assist toward actually resolving your issue, no matter the inquiry.
Use this link to access links to more information on my various plans.
Use this link to access links to more information on my various plans.
In many instances I have also provided a link to more information to help assist you to make an informed decision. I encourage you to look at the other candidates profiles as well before deciding.
Watch for my Campaign Kick-Off Party's location, date and time to be announced -
Expect typical TP - with great live entertainment and great hospitality!
Still want to meet up privately? I'm easy to find, often around Main St. and Riverwalk Commons or send me an email to arrange a meet up - or text me @289-221-0928. I Really Do Care.
Vote Tom Pearson for Newmarket Council. I Really Do Care.
The disappearing farms are a concern |
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